Many thanks to Chris R for sending in this great old photo of a 1930’s sand yacht. Hoylake is of course a favoured location for land yachting and the sands have even hosted a european championship (I’ve got several photos somewhere). The Wirral Sand Yacht Club (official website) is based in Hoylake (at the Community Centre) too. You might think the sport is relatively new but as Chris says, it’s quite an old past time:
Basketball wasn’t the only “modern” sport around in the 1930’s (see this post) – my grandfather had a sand yacht at Meols at that time. I have attached a photo … which shows my late grandfather Roger Hughes and others (not quite sure if one is my grandmother or someone else in the family). The photo is mid to late 30’s we believe. My grandfather didn’t keep it for too long, after an occasion when it was very windy and it nearly blew him over the top of the embankment – he decided it wasn’t safe!
Next week I’ll be publishing some old photos taken around the promenade so do look out for them as I’ll have a question or two for you all! Â Also, if anybody has any photos of things like fishing boats off Hoylake (whereabouts were catches brought ashore for instance …or was it always at Meols?)Â or people fishing off the prom with a rod I’d love to see them. It’s easy to get in touch so please do.
Vaughan Williams says
Good to see the old sandyacht picture and identify it. We have a had copy on the wall of the Clubhouse for some time. I have met a lady who used to sail on large sandyachts on the beach here in the 1920s. I understand the rigs from the Hoylake Opera class were put on wheeled vehicles and raced in the winter (breaking many masts she told us!). We would love to find details or any pictures from that time.
For information the European Championships will be returning to Hoylake in September next year.
Vaughan Williams
Chairman Wirral Sandyacht Club.
steph armitage says
thats my great grandads sand yacht 🙂 nans just been round with the picture! x
John says
The sail will be from the 1902 built Opera No. 2 Iolanthe/Spitfire. My dad owns the present day 1932 built Opera No. 2 Aida, so it is interesting to see this.
Chris Hankin says
Hi John, was “Spitfire” an alternative name for the first Iolanthe or is it the name of the sand yacht when running with Iolanthe’s rig?
If there were alternative names, do you know which other Operas’ rigs were used – and any of the alternative names?
John Watt says
Hi Chris, sorry for very late reply, not sure where my Dad got the name Spitfire from. In the early 1920’s, the Gibson Brothers, C R Critten (owned Opera 5 “Country Girl” 1925-39), R Ferguson and Major Bennett (owned Opera No 3 “Merry Widow” 1922-38) all had sand yachts, the latter having two small ones. I have seen a photo of one using No 8’s (“Geisha”) sail.
Chris Hankin says
Hi John, Thanks for the information. On another (slightly related ) topic. A friend of mine from Arnside Sailing Club, Alasdair Simpson, has been researching Crossfields of Arnside. Last year he held a conference about the Crossfields and one of the Crossfield family attended.. He owns a set of 1932 drawings of an Opera – which we assume is Aida. Alasdair has a copy at A2 size. I did tell your Dad about it last year, but don’t know if he ever followed it up. He was intrigued that the drawings could have got from Rutherfords in Birkenhead to Crossfields!
Regards Chis.