Many thanks to Keith Wallen for sending in some images from the early 1960’s taken from a local advertising guide. Featured above are two adverts for the Kings Gap and a hotel that I’d never heard of called Beach Mount.
Beach Mount is now Sandtofts Residential Home. Sandtofts used to be a hotel …I remember delivering their morning papers as they were on my round back in the early 1980’s 🙂
Why was the Kings Gap Amorial Ballroom so called? I think amorial has got something to do with heraldry or heraldic arms?
Below is an old image of the old Stanley Hotel. The building is no longer as it was demolished to make way for retirement apartments called Montrose Court. For several years the building was a well known pub/bar …Flat Foot Sams, which subsequently became the Orange Grove. In it’s hey-day, Flat Foots was hugely popular – with patrons anyway!
Also mentioned in the old guide was an ambulance station at a place called Broomfields. Was Broomfields on the corner of Kings Gap, next to the roundabout (now an apartment block)? I hope somebody has got an old photo!