*click for larger Here's an old photo of a family enjoying a nice day at Red Rocks, first posted on twitter by @angelcakephotos The photo appears to be dated 1914, and presumably it's summer, so … [Read more...]
Friday Photo: By the water fountain
*click for larger version This is a smashing old postcard (it's currently on ebay) capturing a moment in time at the Hoyle Road slipway. You can't tell if the Hoylake Parade building had been … [Read more...]
Friday Photo: King’s Gap
*click for larger Here's a nice old photo capturing the grand houses on King's Gap. The Green Lodge is just out of shot and I guess the photographer was pretty-much stood outside the properties … [Read more...]
Friday Photo: Red Cross Hospital
Pictured above is a Hoylake property that was once used as a Red Cross hospital. The property in St Margaret's Road, called The Chalet, was I gather used a hospital during WW1. It wasn't the only … [Read more...]
Friday Photo: Opening soon
Domino's, Hoylake is opening soon then! Back in February we discussed the planning application from nationwide takeaway pizza chain Domino’s for a new outlet on Market Street. An "opening soon" … [Read more...]
Friday Photo: Nowhere to park
*click for larger version A lovely old photo this week of a packed promenade! Plenty of people on the beach and plenty of cars parked on North Parade too. I've no idea of the date of this photo … [Read more...]
Friday Photo: Walk 1
Something a little different this Friday, not one but over 20 photos of Hoylake ...I hope this post loads okay for everyone! I've completed this walk lots of times and it's probably one of my … [Read more...]
Friday Photo: oh that’s a shame! I’ve forgotten my trunks
*click for larger I've featured the old Hoylake Swimming Baths several times over the years, but I thought this photo was worth a share. I like this one because it not only shows a view of the … [Read more...]
Friday Photo: Behind Hilbre Island
A super, late winter's morning on Wednesday; cold but bright and not much wind about. And it wasn't raining - me and the dog call that a result! I did a favourite walk of ours which takes in the … [Read more...]
Friday Photo: Drainspotting in Hoylake
Who on earth is sad enough to take notice of manhole covers when walking around Hoylake? Ah, yeah well, that'll be me then! Taking note of manhole and drain covers isn't an activity that I decided … [Read more...]