Recognise this old building? It’s the old Meols Infants School that was once in School Lane, Meols, kindly sent in by Graham Price. For those out of the area, the site is now home to some bungalows that are accessed from both School Lane and via Beachcroft Road.
Whilst some of my old school friends attended school at the building, when I moved to Meols I went straight to school in nearby Elwyn Road. I can’t recall when this building closed, but I guess it was around the late 1970’s?
Graham wonders if any of you recognise an old family friend named Ike:
After a little search I managed to stumble upon a German fanzine site for local band OMD. They have a couple of other photos of the old school; a photo of an ex-teacher I remember, named Miss (Mrs?) Clayton and a photo of one of Hoylake’s better known landmarks – the fountain on the promenade in a lovely shade of blue!
Amazing what’s out there on the internet!