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Many thanks to Al Green for sending in the above photo of an old Hoylake Scouts Brigade (is that the right terminology?) at their new HQ.
Al comments that on the back of the photo there’s this caption:
Opening of Grove Road HQ by Lord Rowallan (Chief Scout) accompanied by Rt Hon Selwyn Lloyd
Can you put a date to the photo?
You can read more about Selwyn Lloyd, a former local MP and Hoylake Councillor on wikipedia.
The Scouts are still going strong of course and recently West Wirral Scouts joined in a world record attempt at a handshake rally over at the Festival Gardens site in Liverpool. You’ll find more photos about that on facebook and at Hoylake Photographic Society.
And yes, you’re quite right, there wasn’t a Friday Photo last week. I bunked-off to go and see some of Light Night in Liverpool at the library. If you’ve not seen the revamped Liverpool Central Library next to the World Museum then you should …it’s a super building! And if you’ve not done Light Night before, go next year because you get to see inside some of Liverpool’s fabulous buildings if nothing else.