The 1810 Memorial statue was unveiled at a ceremony this morning at 11am at the Hoylake RNLI lifeboat station. A 12 month fundraising effort secured the £30,000 needed to fund the bronze status created by sculptor Paul Bearman. The statue is on a plinth outside the boathouse and will be lit by in-ground lighting.
Thanks to in-depth research from Peter Fitzgerald the full facts of the fateful lifeboat shout on 22nd December 1810 were discovered. Ian Davies (Hoylake RNLI) has previously commented:
Responding to a ship called the Traveller, which had been driven on shore in the Mersey, the boat going to their rescue was overwhelmed by the sea and 8 out of the 10 of the lifeboat crew were drowned. The lifeboat was manned by local fisherman, burial records and further research shows that 7 Hoylake men were buried at St. Bridget’s church West Kirby on the 25th and 26th December 1810. This tragedy decimated two families as those who died were John Bird aged 40 years, his sons Harry Bird aged 18 years and John Bird aged 16 years, and nephew Henry Bird aged 18 years. Also amongst those who died were Joseph Hughes aged 38, his brother Richard Hughes aged 36 and Richards son Thomas Hughes aged 16 years. It hasn’t been possible to identify the 8th man who drowned. The village at this time, Hoose as it was, would have been made up of only one hundred inhabitants, but remarkably the lifeboat was recovered and repaired and was manned with a full crew in less than a week.
Here are a couple more photos taken earlier today:
Thanks John, great pictures. I could not make it today but plan to have a nose next week. Its good to know that my great great great great grandfather and all the other heroes have been remembered 🙂
Hi Barbara,
Received this Email from another who could not make it. :–
“I only wished I could be there. However the snow here is falling fast and at the moment shows no sign of stopping. It is beautiful but quite dangerous. I do sincerely hope the ceremony goes off well.”
Jan Cooper [no relation] – G’GGGGGGGGGGGDaughter of Greathead who built the “1810” Lifeboat.
Ricky Cooper – related to the “1810” Birds.
Hi Ricky, I just came across this message. My name is Colin Bird and I am related the Birds on the memorial. I am currently in the UK from Canada. I was curious how you are related. Sidney Bird was my grandfather. Thanks,
A nice sculpture – a fitting tribute to those brave men and a credit to those who contributed.
I’m part of the Bird family now living in the States. It was great to find this memorial, I’ve only heard of the stories and would enjoy learning more about the Bird family. Are there any Hoylake historians that could help me flesh out my family tree?
Although I live in the Wirral my family (Bird) are from Liverpool. My cousin David Bird has just informed me of our link to the lifeboat crew.
Apparently John Bird had a surviving 4 year old son who we are descended from. He is sending me his research so I can trace the proof myself.
He said he can trace the Birds back to 1735.
What link do you have to the lifeboat crew?
Dave Williams (Son of Agnes Bird)
Hello Dave Williams,
From memory – and in my own opinion – the persons who suffered the most in the 1810 Disaster were
my G’G’G’Grandmother.and her Sister-in-law
In 1810 — She lost her Husband, JOHN (39) and her two adolescent sons,HENRY(18) and JOHN (16)
[ Her “Breadwinners.]
She also lost her Brother-in-law WILLIAM and his adolescent son HENRY (18).
In 1811 — She also lost her unborn baby (Robert) and a toddler (James).. Caused no doubt by the
trauma and perhaps loss of income.(This needs checking)
I cannot imagine how she coped.
Her eldest surviving son — Richard BIRD — was my G’G’Grandfather.and he was buried at St Bridget’s, West Kirby. [the same churchyard as his Father, Uncle, Brothers and Cousin.]
You say that you can trace the proof yourself – so I have lefr out Names and Dates.
(Come back to confirm Names and Dates etc.)
Ricky Cooper.
Hi Ricky Cooper,
My cousin has informed me we are related to George Bird the 4 year old son of John Bird.
However I would be grateful if you could tell me the name of John Birds wife and could you also possibly tell me how many children they actually had.
Dave Williams.
Hi again Dave already,
1. John Bird – born 1771 married Mary Davis – born 1770 – drowned 1810 aged 39
1st. Henry Bird – born 1792 – drowned 1810 aged 18.
2nd John Bird – born 1794 – drowned 1810 aged 16
3rd Richard Bird – born 1796. My G’G’Grandfather.
4th Anne Nancy Bird – born 1798
5th Joseph Bird – born 1800
6th Thomas Bird – born 1803
7th George Bird – born 1806 – married Mary Massey – born 1811.
George and Mary had Thomas Bird in 1850.
Thomas Bird fathered Ellen Bird in 1881
Ellen Bird married Robert Wade in 1919
Robert and Ellen had Ernest Wade in 1923 – [I went no further.]
8th James Bird – born 1809
9th Robert Bird – born 1810.[what month ?]
A 10th child could have been conceived prior to December 1810, but no record found as yet.
OK – that’s it for tonight. I hope you have progressed because of it.
Now to look in St Bridget’s Mortality Lists.
Hiya, I immigrated from Fleetwood, Lanc’s, 11-11-54 age 2 with my parents Fred Leadbetter Bird, a ships plumber, and Dorothy Thornber (Kitchen) to Columbus, Ohio U.S.A.. John Bird’s son Joseph born 1800 is my G’G’G’ grandfather. I am 62 and have not been over to Fleetwood since 1996, however I need to return and this monument will have to be visited. John’s father was Henry Bird born 1740 Cheshire. His father was Henry born 1712 Cheshire. His father was Nehemiah born 1685.
Hi all I know you stated this some 10 years ago but I have only just found that looking back in my tree that John was a great grandfather not sure how many time back but the tree goes to my dad Frank bird my grandfather Frank bird then Robert then John then Richard then John 1810 can anyone tell me are the graves still visible
Hi Dave,,
Here is an update to the “1810” BIRD Family. :
Robert BIRD was born 11 / November /1810 at Hoose.
Son of John BIRD and Mary DAVIES.
[ Could Mary have conceived between Robert’s birth and John’s death.? I doubt it.]
Ricky Cooper.
Hi Ricky. Not sure if this e mail is still valid as all messages are from many years ago. I was reading one of your threads and my Grandparents came up, Ellen Bird who married Robert Wade, you mention their children and then you said you stopped there. Just if of any interested I am the youngest daughter of Ernest Wade who had 4 children. His brother Robert had 3 children and their other brother Harrold went to Canada and had 5 children.
Following my dad’s death in 1999 i started to research the family tree and we have tons of birds (Richard is our direct descendant too! I think I have e-mailed Ricky before via Cheshire Roots Web and we are distantly related) The Birds have lots of wills on Cheshire wills website by the way and it was very cheap to get copies-I think I have William Bird one of 1720? Alas my dad’s family tree remains blocked by the elusive Willam (Eyles?) Owens who has no birth or death records we can find. The Bird’s Coopers and Smiths are relatively easy to trace as they generally stayed put around Meols/Hoose/West Kirby
Gareth Owen
Hi Gareth,
By coincidence – I went to a place called Summit, New Jersey, America.
While talking to the locals at a Street Party – I was told that there was a “Brit”
living around the corner about 200 yards away. I didn’t take too much notice until
I found that he came from Hoylake, Cheshire – and his name was ILES.
Surely – coincidence wouldn’t stretch this far ? Anyway, I will have another look into my
ageing memory cells. Don’t hold your breath.
Ricky Cooper.
Hi again Gareth,
Just scraped this together while fresh in my mind :–
John BARLOW born 1867 in Bidston
died 1837 in Hoose.
His Child Ellen BARLOW born 1804
(my G’G’Grandmother)
She married Thomas COOPER about 1828
Lily ILES born 5 April 1895
at 12 Grove Road, Hoylake.
She died 22 August 1991 in Andover, Sussex, New Jersey, USA.
She married an American – Francis George COXON –
Francis was born 1/August/1893 in Hoylake !
Francis known to be in Overlook Road, Summit, New Jersey, USA in January 1962.
I hope this helps in some way,
Ricky Cooper.
Hi Ricky…not sure if youre still on this. We solved the Eyles mystery via DNA..using a local genealogist called Saul Marks. He seemed to know you…small world and all that. If you recall the RNLI monument started via my Mum s family tree (Bird-Cooper-Davies-Smith) she is still going strong at 95!
Gareth (Eyles-) Owen
Hi have found out this week through ancestry that I am a direct descendant of Richard Hughes who died in this tragedy. my sister and I visited the memorial today and it ws beautiful,the sunshine made it extra special. we then made our way to St Bridgets to see if we could find their resting place but sadly the church was not open. Would anyone know where the grave is situated or if the is any plaque ? Thanks
Hello from Australia,
My family history also has Richard Hughes a 5x Great Grandfather married to Jane Wright and their son Thomas age 16 losing their lives, along with his brother Joseph Hughes.
Thanks to this terrific site for helping us put the pieces together. The Wirral here I come – when is the sunniest and less windiest?!! I originally was English but now I’m less hardy lol
Hi Julie et al
Herewith extract of Marriage Certificate from my Family Tree.
Marriage at Holy Trinity Church, Hoylake on 21st. November 1892.
Jonathan Cooper (age 22) Fisherman. Father Jonathan Cooper, Fisherman.
Florence Nightingale Hughes (age 18) Father Richard Hughes, Fisherman.
Witnesses Adam A. Knowles and Alice Hughes.
[How ya doin’ Gareth ?]
Ricky Cooper.
Hi Colette,
Further to your search for the “1810 Disaster” graves – Birds and Hughes.
I also went looking in St. Bridget’s churchyard at West Kirby……….
Richard Bird was only 14 years old at the time of the disaster, and too young
to be a member of the Lifeboat. However, I found his gravestone near the old school gate.
I assume therefore that his brothers would have been buried nearby.
From the records – a funeral service was performed for the “Birds” followed on the next day by a service for the “Hughes” family. Without a ‘Grave Plan’ I don’t know how many graves were dug – or where.
Ricky Cooper [ G’G’Grandson of Richard Bird.]
Hi again Colette,
I searched through three websites for Richard Bird — as follows :–
All three gave the same result :–
Richard Bird, Born 1796, Died 1872, Buried West Kirby, Cheshire.
[although one spelled Richard as Rkchard]
Maybe Richard decided to be buried with his Father, Brothers and St. Bridgets.
Perhaps he included this request in his Will ?
Alas for his three wives I say.
Ricky Cooper.
Came across this website this afternoon whilst looking for something. I was very pleased to see a picture of the memorial that was erected outside Hoylake Lifeboat Station. John B Bird was my GGGG grandfather and Richard Bird was my GGG grandfather. I am related to the Bird’s through my mother, her grandmother was Isabella Jane Bird. I don’t live far from Hoylake so I will be getting my other half to take me to see the memorial very soon.
Hi Kath,
To you, Syd Bird and all other “Bird” researchers..
I have just received Richard Bird’s Will (copied to me by the CRO )
There are 3 full hand written pages to decipher. [if anyone else has already done this – please let me know ]
I am hoping to determine if and when Richard Bird specified that he wanted to be buried in
St. Bridget’s Church, West Kirby. ( or was it by default ? ) Location of his grave within the
Graveyard is relatively well known, and apparently solely occupied.
A very cursory glance at the Will shows the following “Cooper” surnames :
Jonathan Cooper, (Executor of the Will) Son-in-Law of Richard Bird.
Margaret Cooper (nee Bird) Daughter of Richard Bird.
William Cooper (?)
Messrs. Peacock & Cooper, Solicitors, Liverpool.(no relation ! )
The next and most important list of Surnames mentioned is the “Bird” Family.
I think that a “Tree” will be required for clarity.
Ricky Cooper (also G’G’Grandson of Richard Bird through Margaret Bird.)
Hi Kath Isabella Bird was my Grandads mum he was Frank Bird and my dad was Frank bird my grandad passed away in 1988 and dad in 2001
Ricky Cooper
found this among photo’s at
Gravestone, St Bridgets West Kirby Exact location unknown.
Margaret Griffiths d 1866 aqed 75 ( mother in law )
Eliza wife of Richard Bird aged 59 ( 3rd wife )
Eliza daughter of Richard and Elizabeth Bird aged 1
(dates and ages not very clear in the photo)
1st time I have come accross this child, but if plot was full, it
may explain why he was buried alone at St Bridgets
Bill Armer
Sorry Bill,
You didn’t find these Ladies in St Bridget’s graveyard in West Kirby..
Because I found them in Holy Trinity graveyard in Hoylake.
But I have seen Richard Bird’s gravestone in St Bridgets (which confirms your photo.)
Ricky Cooper. Pistols at dawn ?
Hi, I am related to the Birds via my Maternal G/mother Martha Hannah b 1886, dau of Henry b 1847, just thought I would link a couple of sites which may be of interest to anyone researching Birds or Hoose etc.
Second one is a series of photo’s of gravestones in the Hoylake, West Kirby graveyards
Hope somebody finds these of help or interest
regards to all
Hi Bill ARMER ,
Just had a short ramble through your AARON REID’s “Gencircles”.
I was surprised to find myself mentioned along with my Dad, Grandad and G’Grandad.
Also the Cooper / Croker and Cooper / Barlow marriages..What a mine of information
Are you interested in any discrepancies I may find ?
Ricky Cooper.
Hi Ricky Cooper
Pleased that you found the site interesting, if you find any errors or omissions, please
feel free to point me in the right direction.
Bill Armer
Hi Bill. here goes :–
Commemoration of Illiam Dhone – 2nd. January 2012
English Civil War and the Manx Rebellion
The 7th Earl of Derby, James STANLEY, was a loyal supporter of King CHARLES 1st during the English Civil War and in 1651 he left the Island with most of the Manx militia, to fight for the English King, against the Parliamentary revolutionary forces.
William CHRISTIAN, known in Manx as Illiam Dhone (Brown William), was considered a traitor by the STANLEYS but a patriot by many of the Manx for his actions in surrendering the Island to the Parliamentary troops during the Civil War. At his trial many members of the House of Keys were unwilling to condemn him and as a result were removed and replaced by others who would find William CHRISTIAN guilty.
By October 1651 the Island was besieged by Parliamentary forces who demanded that the Manx surrender. STANLEY had been captured in England. His wife, Countess Charlotte de la Tremouille, tried to negotiate for her husband’s release but when she learnt of her husband’s execution and that the Island’s garrisons were to be surrendered by William CHRISTIAN (the Island’s Receiver General), she finally admitted defeat.
The Manx Rebellion, as it was known, was “ a bloodless coup †with English Parliamentary forces taking over administration of the Island. The Keys, which after 1600 had been a permanent representative body, continued to meet periodically during this time.
When King Charles 2nd was restored to the throne in 1660 and the 8th Earl of STANLEY returned to the Island, the Earl accused William CHRISTIAN of treason for surrendering the Island in 1651 and had him executed by firing squad at Hango Hill, outside Castletown, on January 2nd 1663, despite the issue of a general pardon granted by King CHARLES II.
Ricky Cooper – traced back to the Christian Family in IOM on my Mother’s side.
Hi again Bill,
You being a furriner ‘an all – I will try to decipher the collective word “KEYS”
Basically it was a group of 24 elected men who decided laws and stuff.
1. Some say it is an old Norse Word KJOSA meaning “Chosen Ones”
2. Others say it is Gaelic KIARE AS FEED meaning “Four and Twenty”
Anyway they still meet at TYNWALD on the Isle of Man.
I have traced my line back to the CHRISTIAN Family, and also to several “Keys”
calling themselves “Deemsters”.
I wonder if the CHRISTIAN Lady in your file is related ?
Ricky Cooper.
Hi Bill,
Richard Cooper, my Grandfather —- my record of him as follows :–
He was born 26 March 1881 in Hoylake.
He married Annie Trueman of Heswall, on 13 June 1905.
He died on 11 April 1931 in Birkenhead aged 50 years. Buried at Flaybrick cemetery.
Sex : Male
His Father was Jonathan Cooper, born 1870 in Hoose.
His Mother was Florence Hughes born 1875 in Hoylake. [middle name may be Nightingale]
His son, and my Father, was Alec Richard Cooper, born 11 July 1908.
You have two records for Richard Cooper. The first shows “no children” – therefore neither my Father nor I ever existed. The second implies that my Father was born when my Grandfather was only 8 years old.
Ricky Cooper
Hi Ricky
You are mistaken in assuming that the file on Gencircles is mine, it was posted as it says by Aaron Reid, for public use, in his intro he states it is not the font of all knowledge, But I thought it was a useful site for clues, thyat is why I posted the link. the mix up with the gravestone location shows that every thing needs checking, I was at Holy Trinity Cemetary last Sunday but did not have time to check the memorial stones.
Bill Armer
From your Tree, you wrote
Richard Cooper, my Grandfather —- my record of him as follows :–
He was born 26 March 1881 in Hoylake.
He married Annie Trueman of Heswall, on 13 June 1905.
He died on 11 April 1931 in Birkenhead aged 50 years. Buried at Flaybrick cemetery.
Sex : Male
His Father was Jonathan Cooper, born 1870 in Hoose.
His Mother was Florence Hughes born 1875 in Hoylake. [middle name may be Nightingale]
His son, and my Father, was Alec Richard Cooper, born 11 July 1908.
According to the above Richard Cooper your Grandfather b 1881
His farther Johnathon Cooper b 1870 (only 11 years of age )
His mother Florence Hughes b 1875 ( only 6 years of age )
Please clarify
I would add that because a person does not enter a family, does not
have to mean that the family does not exist
Bill Armer
Hi Bill Armer,
In reply to your Email of 5th.January 2013 :-
There are errors in both of our current “Cooper” records.
Caused in part by the fact that :
1. There are two Jonathan Coopers (Father and Son)
2. Father Jonathan Cooper had two sons. – Son Jonathan and son Richard.
3. Unusually for the time – these two sons were separated by 11 years.
4. Thus the Cooper tree was split into two branches.
A Tree is much simpler ro explain this incorrect interpretation.
Anyway – I am satisfied that the problem has been found and corrected.
Ricky Cooper.
hi, im a breeze from mid wales but my great grandfather was john henry bird who i think was a gg grandson of john bird?
Stephen Bird replies:
Hiya. My youngest daughter gave me the wonderful gift of the ancestry of my family back to Nehemiah Bird born 1685. My records on John Bird born 1771 and death 1810 (Lifeboat disaster) only list his son Joseph (our lineage) as from Nehemiah to John my daughter didn’t branch out at all.
Joseph: Born 1800, died March 1881. He married Mary Ann Evard born 1795.
Elizabeth born 1822
Joseph (continues my lineage) born 29 Jan 1826, died 1910.
Jane born 1831
Margaret born 1832
William born 1837
Joseph Bird born 1822, died 1910, married Elizabeth Wilson born 1833 died in 1914.
George born 1854
William born 1859
Eleanor born 1864
James (continues my lineage) born 1867
Thomas born 1874
James Bird born 1867, married Rose Bellamy born 1867.
Violet born 1891
Charles Bellamy (continues my lineage) born 1892
Doris born 1899
Is continuing this info of any use to ya in tracing your ancestry?
Wishing ya well, Stephen Bird
Hi to everyone connected to the Birds.
I recently got in touch with the archivist Doreen Smith at St.Bridgets and she and her husband have
found the grave of John,Henry and John Jnr.They are buried in the same grave as Richard.Also buried
there is Elizabeth.Their gravestone was overgrown with grass so that was why nobody could find a marker.I have been to see the grave and also met Doreen to thank her for finding it.There is no mention
of Henry Bird son of William so he must be buried elsewhere.
Regards Steve
Is this the William bird that built the house at poulton in 1690 that’s still there opposite the poulton vics ? People there ss till call it the bird house !
I am a direct descendant of the Hughes on the memorial. So proud that they went out in such a small boat and at the greatest risk.
I have just discovered that I am a direct descendant of Richard Hughes too. He was my GGGG grandfather. And this is the first time that I have heard of this disaster. I also believe that the 8th, unknown, lifeboatman was another son of Richard called Joseph (like his uncle. He died aged 15 in 1810 and since his brother, father and uncle were also lost in seems to make sense. I expect there was confusion with two people called Joseph Hughes perishing at the same time.
Another relative here!! There must be 1000s of us by now!
John Bird senior was my 6x great grandfather.
We should have a descendants meet up at the memorial!
Yet another relative here , my grandmother was an Annie Bird who died aged 24 in Fleetwood of SpanishFlu. I also had a great Uncle Henry ( Harry) Bird and Grand Auntie Harriet May Bird
Kind Regards
Ian Rossiter
Hello all. I am aware this thread is quite old so my comment may not be seen. I’m researching my family tree and i think Thomas Bird is my 4x Great grandfather which would make John Sr my 5x Great Grandfather. Does anyone have any more information about Thomas Bird? I’m on Ancestry if anyone would like to share trees.