If you’re in the Parade Gardens down on the prom and you fancy a sit down on a bench in the sun …you might not be alone!
As captured in the main photo above, someone is leaving plenty of bird food in the Parade Gardens and I guess the birds are more than happy with that? So are the mice!
I was chatting to someone the other day who said that they sat on the bench (smaller picture) enjoying some April afternoon sunshine but felt an urgent need to move when she noticed that quite a few mice were running alongside the wall behind the bench.
I’ve seen them myself …within five minutes of standing there two mice scuttled across the ground before disappearing into the bushes.
Now there’s probably always been a few mice in and around the Parade Gardens but is a plentiful supply of scattered bird seed going to attract unwanted vermin? Will rats be next?
We’ve already discussed the issues that numerous pigeons cause in and around Market Street. Throwing bits of bread out for the birds is something we’ve all done and in fact up the road at West Kirby in Ashton Park, feeding the ducks is a common pastime. Does Ashton Park have any issues with vermin?
Is scattered bird food around Hoylake a problem or not?
What do you think? Have your say in the comments below.
The rats are already there. Bird food creates the perfect ambience for rats and should never be left anywhere except in a proper bird-feeder.
But don’t tell anyone because you will be accused of Nannying or being a spoilsport or worse.
Feeding the ducks is fun for children, but I do wish some parents would not arrive with each child clutching an entire sliced loaf. By the end of a busy weekend the lake surface looks like bread pudding! Too much bread is bad for the ducks, causing ‘Angel Wing.’ Proper duck food is available from the Teashop at weekends. Pigeons are vermin as far as I am concerned, they roost on our roof and block the gutters with their droppings.
Pigeons are a curse on many main streets in Wirral. The council should cull them.