Many thanks to Ian Davies (Hoylake RNLI) for providing this report of why the model boating lake is just about empty.
On Monday 15th March work started emptying the Hoylake Model Boating Lake, this was required to remove the build up of sand and to inspect the damage after the lake had suffered vandalism during the cold winter when it had frozen over.
During this period it became a target for people to try to break the ice with rocks and bricks not realising the damage that was being done to the floor of the lake when the boulders hit it. The lake was emptied by siphoning out the water until the last couple of inches when a pump was used. The specialist coating company ATC who originally applied the coating will be on site on Friday to carry out the remedial works, we then have to wait three days before we can start refilling it.
It is a sad reflection on today when people seem to think, or not, that their actions could cause damage, or disrupt other peoples property. Maybe they will find out in the end their paying for the damage, cost of repair in taxes, or loss of use of the facility.
Just been down there and the lake is currently being refilled. Also members of the model boat club are installing some very well made benches around the lake… How about an ice cream/coffee shop alongside, and the land on the other side of the lifeboat station becoming a swings and slides play area for the kids? Somewhere also nearby for a skateboard park?
Your right Mark, we had an earlier than expected visit from the specialist coating company ATC, which meant that the filling could also commence earlier than originally planned. A group of model boat club volunteers and local residents have been erecting benches and clearing the former splash pool area in order to tidy it up, the waste will be removed by the first half of next week (hopefully) Additionally we have now had council permission for a waste bin to be sited by the seating area and are currently in talks with Wirral council about a small shelter to be erected by the boating lake, at the moment it appears that the club will have to fund the shelter but the council will dictate what the design will be…..
Is it not womderful tht the council will let the boat club have a building, if they pay for whatever design counsel wants.I would think an improvement to public land for public use should be paid for by the council, after all they got benches paid for an installed an sounds like a good cleanup.
Sound like goverment all over, yes we like it you pay for it. Some time you wonder if once people get elected they think their better than the voters. Its nice they gave permmision for waste bin to keep the public land clean, hope they will agree to empty it.
I don’t think it is a problem of “once people get elected they think they’re better than the voters” more a case of Council Officers [employees paid for by OUR council tax] letting us down by their lack of forethought for the good of the community. The real problem being that these unelected civil servants seem unaccountable for their actions when inept as we can’t vote them out.
Working for the council can been seen as ‘a job for life’
All of us, at Hoylake Model Boat Club would like to say a big thanks to Ian Davies and all the crew from the Hoylake RNLI for helping us empty and clean out the lake.
They also kindly provided our club with some equipment to clean the surrounding areas, to which we were thankful.
Hoylake Model Boat Club are in the process of supplying and fitting benches around the lake for everyone to use, we just hope they are used for sitting on and not used for skate boards or BMX bikes.
We will be having an open day on Sunday 9th May 2010 and hope everyone will come and suport us, donations on the day will go towards the lake renovation.
Have just been down there again with the kids, it is looking fantastic, well done to everyone who has worked so hard on this. Brilliant.
What is hoped will happen next in the splash pool, which is also looking good? I heard that it can’t be used as a paddling pool on Health and Safety grounds? Is that true?
The whole area gets better all the time. Cafe next? A good use for the old Lifeboat Station. I like the lifeboat museum idea, whatever happens I just hope it doesn’t end up being demolished for private flats…
In the 1950s the square boating lake was used for tin canoes. Joe Cullen used to take the money (was it 3d for 15 mins?). I guess the water was 2-3 feet deep. The half moon paddling pool very rarely had water in it (only if a spring tide filled it and the big tap at the seaward end was blocked with sand). My father told me it was never filled as anyone could throw a bottle into it and create a hazard.
Do you remeber there was a concrete Isle Of Man at the seaward end of it? There was also a very small Calf of Mann island next to it. I guess about 4 feet by 2 feet in size, and a foot or more high.
Cut feet was a big hazzard in those days, broken glass in the sand was the problem, and many thanks are owed to the St John people who tended to these minor injuries from their garden shed jammed between the Gents toilet and the bowling green wall.
We are at present looking for the best development for the Paddling Area so we can go for funding.
THe Health and Safety angle with glass etc means we cannot have a Paddling Pool but we are asking for ideas that will be acceptable to the Council who technically own the Lake and the Pool area, even though we Residents have had to fund, and continueto fundraise to get to the target, the refurbishment.
What an asset for Hoylake it now is, but could have disappeared, if we had not stepped in to save it.Donations are still needed to pay off the debt!!!!
Has a water spouting sculpture/fountain been mooted as an option?
The kids could play in the fountain; safety hazards would be clearly visible. They love the fountains outside the Hilton in Liverpool One. Only needs to run on warmer days…
A very expensive idea undoubtedly. But public ‘art’ can have long legs in funding applications?
Power provision (and especially ongoing costs of that) would be an issue… But I can’t help but think that water needs to be involved in it somehow.
And, for the benefit of readers of this thread, how much more money is needed to pay off the debt for the boating lake as of now?
What a wonderful Day at the Lake today organised by the newly formed Hoylake Model Boat Club.They are hoping to make a generous donation to the Lake Fund from the Day.
So many people enjoying a superb facility saved by Residents for all.
£18,000 was the target. We were nearly there when the Navy pulled out with their donation so we are now back to £3,000 short. The Contractor is very patient and we will get there.
It is a pity that a lot of people are enjoying the facility but not prepared to danate for the privilege, but that I am afraid is typical of Hoylake.