Ann Hall writes:
I have [these photos] of golf club house in the Hoylake[?] area. I have been trying to find a place near to a railway embankment and a golf course in the Hoylake area on modern maps but have failed so it may be that these are not from around Hoylake. However my family all lived and worked in Hoylake from about 1880 to 1990 and I think there may have been some changes which could account for this?
I personally don’t think that these photos were taken in Hoylake, but can anyone suggest where the golf clubhouse may have been?
Here’s a suggestion: could it be somewhere near to Harrison Drive / Grove Road in Wallasey? Wallasey Golf Club is of course just up the road. I’ll contact the club and ask.
Could it be Caldy Golf Club? The railway line in the background could be the Hooton line from West Kirby.
Its Caldy Golf Club the original clubhouse down by the steps to the beach
I have come to the same conclusion as Huw Pearson. If you go down to the bottom of Croft Drive East in Caldy, just before the little car park at the cliff top, you can see the old bridge which used to carry the Hooton to W Kirby line. Just before this there is a house on the left called “The Old 19th”. This is the old clubhouse of Caldy Golf Club but I have no idea when it was converted into living accommodation. If you look at the house from the Wirral Way, you can see the similarity so this could indeed be the place you are looking for.
Thank you very much to the previous posts which answer my question. The Caldy Golf Clubhouse does seem to fit very well with the position of the old railway line. The final proof would be a authenticated photo of the Caldy Golf clubhouse from the early 1900s Does anyone out there know of one?
I have been searching the web and found information about two possible sources of extra information but I do not have access to them directly,
Ian Crutchley wrote “Caldy Golf Club – the story so far 1907-2000” .
Also there was an article by Harold Brough in the Daily Post on February 13 2007 on the occasion of the club’s centenary giving more historical details. There is mention of an old photograph of the Clubhouse in 1914 (Tracey O’Neill) but unfortunately the photo itself does not appear on the webpage.
The Old 19th served as the golf clubhouse in the days when the course was 9 holes. On extension to the current 18 hole format, the new clubhouse was erected. I have some photos of the old clubhouse in a couple of Facebook groups that I run on Caldy Village and Wirral. I will try and dig them out.
Hi Mark
Did you have any luck with finding your old photos of the Caldy Golf Club House?
Caldy Golf Club have confirmed it’s their old clubhouse and also mention that it was built in 1908 at a cost of £350 nearly £100 over the original estimate.