Hoylake residents seem to have taken to the Big Lunch (official site) event and several lunches were held last Sunday despite the not-brilliant weather …though thankfully the really heavy rain held off until earlier this week. From what I’ve heard it sounds as though even more Big Lunches will take place next year. Caroline England kindly sent in the above photo, taken in Lake Road and writes:
The Lake Road Big Lunch was a big success. Residents from Strand, Marmion and Government Road were also invited along to the party. With a turn out of over 70 people, The Lake Road Ladies hope to organize another next year promising to be even bigger and better. Here is a photograph of The City Of Liverpool Pipe Band who came along to kick the celebrations off. Local singer songwriters Caroline England and Mark Roberts (his site I think) also performed.
Who’d have thought …street parties in 2010!
John I’m confused, is that Lake Road or Marmion Road? I only ask cos I dont know , and I have just emailed my cousin in America who has an interest in Marmion Road
Actually I think you’re right …it’s Lake Road!
Just checked on google streetview!
lol wish I was wrong as I just emailed it to my cousin. Oh well!
Sunday 18th July was a great day for Hoylake. We had a Big Lunch Street Party at Trinity Road and Seaview, and it was an amazing day. Nothing as grand as a Pipe Band (we did have Jerry the Ukelele player!), but a truly amazing day nevertheless. Just to see so many neighbours out in the street all day (we counted about 140 people in Trinity/Seaview), many meeting for the first time, sharing food and drink, having a laugh and watching the kids enjoy themselves was a great experience. We had a giant pass-the-parcel, a draw-your-house competition, quizzes and pavement art. We all mixed around the area too, with people coming across from Big Lunches in Ferndale Road, Cable Road and Lake Road, and people joining in from surrounding streets like Avondale and Grove Roads. It just shows what a fantastic community spirit we have here in Hoylake, and such a diverse variety of ages, backgrounds and nationalities. I reckon we had about 500 people out that day in Hoylake, so can’t wait for next year – could we do it bigger and better?