Something of a different view of Hoylake this week – courtesy of the excellent (and free) Google Earth software. You’re seeing the long and straight Stanley Road to the right of the curved Meols Drive, split by the Royal Liverpool Golf Club course.
Do download the software and “fly” over Hoylake or anywhere else around the globe for that matter!
I’ve long been using this program to re-live my youth (and explain to my kids what life was like in the 1970s Hoylake) – a superb piece of new-fangled thingummy!
Great to see this photo and the Friday photo 25th Feb of old Hoylake. We have lived here since 1969 and seen a lot of changes in that relatively short time, so lovely to look back to how it was. Also good to see the absence of the curse of modern life clogging the roads and back streets up – I mean the car!