For those Hoylake Junction readers who are in Hoylake during the working week you’ll have no doubt noticed the regular thud, thud, thudding that has been going on all week.
Construction works have started (photo – right) at the Hoose Court site on Market Street and pile driving has been making itself heard (and felt) for most of the week. It reminded me of the last time Hoylake succumbed to some consistent thudding …when the new lifeboat station was being constructed. Pictured above (main photo taken in September, 2007) are some of the piles that were hammered into the beach. The piles must support the new slipway and I presume the numerical markings indicate metres? I’ve got lots of photos documenting the construction of Hoylake Lifeboat Station …I should really collate them all together.
I can’t quite remember but I suspect that the wind turbine bases out in the Irish Sea are also pile-driven …look forward to that then if and when the wind farm is extended!
By the way, the new construction site hoardings feature some great drawings – I take it that pupils at Holy Trinity School are the talented artists?
The last time we had thud, thud, thud constantly was when the foundations were put in on the former Heap and Partners site alongside Lee, Newton and Manor Road in 2011. I live alongside that site and it was terrible having that pounding from 8.00am until 4.00pm each day with the whole house shaking – I feel so very sorry for the residents who live by the Hoose Court site.
We are having a problem in Charles Road. A person unknown is throwing corn on our street corners to feed pigeons – unfortunately this is attracting rats as well, If anyone knows who the culprit is I would like to make contact Monte Carlo on corner of Cable & Charles Road says they have to clear this away every day as they have seen rats at night. This is a health hazard to local residents and would like this person to stop. Mary Gerrard