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Here’s an old photo for you all that I presume was taken in Hoylake.
It’s one of the batch of old black and white photos that Richard Ardus kindly passed onto me last year. As just about all the photos in the collection were of Hoylake I’m presuming this one is too.
Going off the cobbled alleyway I’d guess these cars were parked in the back garden of a house in either Queens Road, Cable Road or Alderley Road. What do you reckon?
Looks to me that the old van is either loaded with something very heavy or the suspension has gone! Anyway, it’d be great if you could confirm that this photo is of Hoylake.
Oh yes. For those of you who don’t understand the title of this post then this wikipedia page should explain. I’m sure you’ll be able to find the video on youtube.
I can tell you exactly this picture iwas taken…………!
This was our backyard in Trinity road where my Dad was always buying vehicles ( not) to fix up. I think the photograph may have been taken by someone who may have been objecting to the site, my Dad just carried on regardless.
It was a bit of a mess wasn’t it?
May be Drummond road as there do not appear to be any houses opposite
Good Morning….
If I am not mistaken, I feel your picture shows the houses (and their rears) that sit on the junction of Avondale Road and Trinity Road. If you look into the distance you can see a vague side-on view of a house and its chimney stack that I would say is Back Sea View.
I think the photo was taken early to mid 1950’s (although I am no expert on car years). In the late 1950’s my aunt had a flat in the house on the right and Mrs Hughes, the well known local school teacher, lived in the big house on the left (assuming I am correct).
… I think (pretty certain) it may be my grandparents old house where my mum and her family were brought up, which would be number 53 opposite’ish marmion road. I am sure she will be along in a while and see this…
This does indeed look like Rydal Mount, and we used to play in those cars! They were our playground. Apparently our grandfather, James Mcshane used to buy a car and always get another one the same for spares in case it broke down! I don’t remember the wall being like that though.
I recognised it straight away Jenny………………… and with much affection. I had good times with Martyn and all the family at Trinity Road x