…and the sky is grey.
Nope, I haven’t been dreaming about California and as you’ll see, not all the leaves are brown. Though the sky has been very grey today, certainly this morning.
The photo above was taken in Marine Road a week or so ago and the summer-green ivy leaves are pretty much russet now. If you go for a walk or a bike ride around Hoylake right now, there’s some fabulous colour right on your doorstep thanks to Mother Nature.
Take this ivy for instance that’s growing on some trellis above a garden wall in Valentia Road:
This year for some reason I’ve been taken notice of the colours of the trees and taking snaps of them. That red ivy is really something.
Stopped outside a church for this one. Well, okay, a bit down from St Hildeburgh’s on Stanley Road actually:
Here’s the private garden in front of the houses on Grosvenor Road:
Apparently the colours of leaves can be different each autumn depending upon how much, or how little, sugar has developed in the cells of the leaves during the season. I didn’t take O-level biology (I don’t do blood), so if you’re at all interested the Woodland Trust explains it far better than I ever could.
I published a set a photos around this time last year and you can see and compare them in this post.
Maybe if I remember I’ll photo these views and trees again. On a winter’s day.
Oh, talking of seasons. It’s time to adjust your clocks on Saturday night/Sunday morning as the time will fall back an hour. It’ll spring forward again next March.
Street Trees
I’m aware that there are quite a few projects around the UK that document street trees in a village, town, borough etc. Does anyone know if anything like that exists for Wirral? Is Wirral Council obliged to keep a database of the public trees that they maintain? I wonder if it’s feasible to document our local public trees? If you know anything about this please do leave a comment.
Martin Carran says
The private garden at Grosvenor Road was always a favourite place to get conkers when I was a kid in early 70s, it was know as Percy Pigs, anyone know why?