Contrasting photos of the same piece of sky above Hoylake, taken yesterday and today down on the promenade.
Yesterday morning around 8’ish the sun made an effort to appear from behind the rain clouds and a rainbow duly revealed itself. Hard to miss with that finger post in the sand pointing right to it. Rainbow straight ahead. What is that marker post for by the way?
And you can just make out Mother Nature’s attempt (she could do much better) at a double rainbow in this photo:
Seven years ago, almost to the day, I managed to snap another double rainbow. Is November a good month for rainbows then?
But then this morning the same piece of sky was dark and broody following the hail shower. The kind of sky that makes you think that it might snow:
Apparently you only have a hailstorm when hail follows thunder (google it).
There was another rainbow this afternoon but I failed to photograph it due to my emergency avoidance measures* from another sharp blast of hailstones. As much as I enjoy the changing of the seasons, the often grey November sky fails to inspire. So the November rainbows are welcome visitors to Hoylake skies.
Does anyone enjoy typical November weather? Feel free to have your say in the comments.
*run to nearest tree, hedge or wall for shelter
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