Nope, not Eric Monkman, a press report from a university golf match held at Hoylake in 1910.
A golfing tournament between Cambridge and Oxford universities which Cambridge won by 5 matches to 3. This is a long-standing golf competition apparently, first held on Wimbledon Common in 1878 (see wikipedia). I can’t say I’d instantly recognise the photos as being the Royal Liverpool though – how about you? Clockwise from the top; second photo might be the former Leas school? I can’t work out what the building is in the third photo?
The top photo capturing a naval and military tournament might well be for a different venue and place altogether?
The large ‘Mock Tudor’ residence in the top right photo is the rear of Wilton Grange on Meols Drive and the small house that stood in the grounds at the bottom of Pinfold Lane is also visible. Grange Hill is clearly visible in the background but being 1910 there is of course no sign of the Hoylake & West Kirby War Memorial.
Built I believe by the Cain brewing family and latterly used as a blind person’s home before its demolition in the mid-1970s to be replaced by an apartment complex of the same name plus a bungalow on the site of the Pinfold Lane house. It was one of three noteable houses on Meols Drive in the same style the others being Barn Hey and Ethandune (Ethendune?) on what is now the Barn Hey apartment complex. All three were a very sad loss to our architectural heritage and sadly the replacement buildings donot posess the same architectural merit.
As for the middle-right photo, I think it can only be The Leas school although seen from an odd angle. There were no other buildings of that mass surrounfing the links and it is the right shape. It appears more prominent due to there being fewer trees on the boundary than was the case in more recent decades.
I wonder how many of the young men pictured survived the Great War which was to follow just a few years later.