Many thanks to regular contributor Frank Baker for finding and sending me this old photo relating to plans for a squash court building in the Parade Gardens down on the prom.
Back in 1971 the Hoylake News reported that the Hoylake Town Planning Committee was asked to approve plans for a squash court complex to replace the existing bandstand within the Parade Gardens. The proposed building (pictured) sort of reminds me of the Concourse in West Kirby – the construction materials were to be brick and off-white cladding to “blend in with a seaside atmosphere”.
The buildings in the rear of the drawing were the old pre-fab school buildings on Deneshey Road. I’ve got an old email that informs that such buildings were known as HORSA huts. HORSA stood for Hutting Operation for the Raising of School leaving Age and their introduction followed an act from the Dept. of Education in 1947 to raise the school leaving age to 15.
Anyway, back to the squash courts. The attached article says that the bandstand area has “for a long time provided the council with a problem. It is unused and has been described as an eyesore by many of the residents who live near. It has also been the target for vandals”.
Of course, this scheme never got off the ground; the band stand (see also for other old images) has gone and there’s just an expanse of grass there today. Imagine how dated (and weathered) that building would look today!
As a slight side, these Meols Parade redevelopment plans from 2008 never went anywhere either.
Comments welcome.
Looks like Hoylake had a very lucky escape! This is an example to bear in mind when considering other proposed developments.
As I recall, the squash club was eventually built in Parkgate / Neston instead.