So, I’m not sure about this old photo.
I noticed it on ebay and apparently it’s supposed to be a photo of an old Hoylake post office (c1910) at  72, Market Street. Now number 72 would’ve stood where The Row is now. So the old buildings in that location were all demolished. Back in 2009 I published an old photo of buildings that stood where The Row now is …can’t say it looks like the one above is there?
So, can anyone confirm if this was indeed an old Hoylake post office?
Interested but no idea
The buildings where the Row is today were knocked down much earlier than 2009 more like 1960’s 70’s
You can see a turret in the picture you posted in 2009 so it looks as though this building might have stood close to where the take-away is at the west end of The Row. It is a very handsome building unlike the take-away shop!
The 1912 edition of the 1:2500 O.S map does indicate a Post Office on Market St. opposite Lake Place junction, but the frontage is set back a few feet from the frontage of the abutting 3 storey property on the Meols side, so that is why only the turret is visible. The O.S map also shows a covered access on the side of the property (RHS of photo where children are standing). The property is numbered about 70 or 72 on later maps, when the P.O. reference has been removed.. The rear of the property would be in the vicinity of the current Red Cross shop
The last of the three Market St photos published on this website in July, looking from Cable Road towards Meols, does appear to have a turret visible at the right location in the distance.
Does anybody recollect this was the layout before demolition?
I’m told that in 1910, 72 Market Street, Hoylake was an auction house and estate agent belonging to Sydney Gibson. PO was nr junction Market St & Cable Rd
The 1899 OS map does show a PO between Cable Road and Alderley Road, so it appears to have relocated before 1912 – but OS publication dates are not always indicative of amendment date. House numbers can also have changed, Is it known what was at 70 or 74 Market Street in 1910?
Next to the Ship Inn was an antique shop with an archway leading to the back. Then there was Mr Haskins toy and sports shop (Hornby Dublo trains, Dinky Toys, Dunlop tennis balls etc, pure bliss!) which jutted out and was much nearer the road. Then carrying on towards the top of Market Street
there was the Handy Stores (they were!) run by two ladies.
I don’t remember the Post Office although all the above were on the site where the Rows is in the 1950s.
Kelly’s Directory of 1938 shows 72 as J Storey, coal merchant, and 72a as J&S Storey, ‘fancy dealers’. Next to The Ship is Jesse Boyd, Furniture Movers.’
Since my last comment, 30 mins ago, I have coincidentally found a photo of J Storey, Coal Merchant’s premises and it is definitely not the same building. It is much more modern. Because I do not have a date for that photograph I am unable to ascertain if it was Storey’s new premises post demolition of the old block.
Is there a way to post pics on this forum?
this is the old Hoylake post office; I was born in the top flat in 1938, My father would tell me how he would carry coal from the back yard up to the top flat.