Recognise this view? No ..well picture yourself stood opposite The Ship Inn in Wood Street, facing the Co-op Supermarket and The Row.
Syd Bird sent me this photo from the 1960’s and his great grandfathers Jesse’s Yard must be just out of shot on the left. Note the sign on the wall indicating the new development to come. Whatelse can you tell everyone about this photo?
You can click on the photo for a larger version.
And why not visit my (currently quieter) West Kirby site for another great 1960’s photo.
There is certainly a lack of cars on the road, plus there is a bike left unattended and not locked up either. No double yellow lines or Satellite Dishes.
‘Hoylake Sports’ (jutting out under Guinness poster) ended up moving to the corner of Albert Rd and Charles Rd, opposite the old Fire Station, which is now a wine store now.
I used to buy my sweets from the Tuck Box next to Haskins Sports Shop.
The Bluebird Chinese restaurant was there and then The Handy Stores.
Mcintyres Wool shop was next to Jesses Yard as I remeber.
I only have a very vague memory but was there not a pet shop with budgies, etc in the window?
A great pity The Row was ever built, it’s never been a great success and the old buildings are very characterful. Best to buldoze The Row and put a high end supermarket there such as Waitrose.
nov, 1944 i was 7. my dad and i were standing looking in the window of haskins sports shop .it was
dads first home leave since dec,1940 (.he had served with the local t.a. 149 reg. r.a. in the middle east. and another regerment in italy ) when a passing car back fired ,dad dropped flat on the pavement and with my hand dragged me into the gutter. in latter years i came to understand that
he was shell shocked
hi the old building for sale was the Broster’s farm house next to Jessie Birds. My mother was born there in 1920.
Does anyone have any imformation about yhe McIntyre Wool Shop mentioned by Jackie on June 2009? Was it in buisness very long and or is it still? Also what was Cynthia Lennons maiden name, My wifes grandmother lived at #20 Trinity Rd. until 1953 0r 54, when she paased on. Her name was Wilemina Banks.
For those who missed it, I posted an image of the Bluebird Restaurant menu on Mar 12 giving the address as 74 Market St.
For any new visitors, this site also gave a wonderful link to Hoylake Photographic website where you can choose Galleries, Old Photos.
On page four of this gallery, there is a photo taken almost on the same spot as the photo above following the fire at Cunninghams newsagents in the 1950s. I was a child amongst the crowd in that photo! (I saw the flames from outside the YMCA, it was a big fire)
Cynthia Lennon. Maiden name was ” Powell”
I was in the art class with cynthia at the parade school. Her maiden name was Cynthia Powell. i think i have spelt it right. Helen Carr
Cynthia Lennon’s maiden name was Powell Helen Carr
My Grandfather, Leo Wilson, was the manager of the Coop on the right of the picture. The shop at the end of the row on the left, not Johnny Haskins sports shop, was I think called Storey’s. It was a hardware store and was home to John Morgan, who became a golfer of some repute.
Hello Mike,
I was wondering if your grandfather Leo Wilson is the same Leo Wilson that I knew in the early 1960`s. The Leo Wilson I knew lived in Celtic Road, Meols and he was very helpful to me at that time when I was collecting old photos of Hoylake and Meols
Hello Syd,
Yes my grandfather lived at 9 Celtic Road, Meols, which is where my father, Harry Wilson, was born. My grandfather’s brother Rex used to have a fish shop on Market Street, opposite the Punch Bowl.
Hi Mike,
glad I had the right person,I remember your grandfather telling me he was also the Manager at Gibsons Stores which used to be located on the corner of Lake Place and Market St. He allowed me to copy a photo he had of him standing outside of the shop,I take it you have a copy already?
Hi Sid,
Sorry about the delay in replying. We have just returned from a trip up to the Wirral, enjoying visiting the old stamping ground, but mostly to celebrate my 70th birthday with family and friends.
When I first married and left home, I was not too interested in old family photos, and consequently now I have hardly any, but I would be interested to see some if you would kindly post them for me.
I take it the shop you refer to on the corner of Lake Place and Market Street was the one set back from the street, and not the old Echo office on the other corner. I think it was Scott’s bakery in my day.
I remember John Morgan, (bn 1943) and bumped into him at a golf tournament in Wales in the 80s (he was playing and I was watching) Sadly, he died from a brain tumor in 2006.
I was sad to read of John Morgan’s death. We all grew up together in that part of Hoylake.