If plans are approved, an apartment block in Hoylake will have an additional storey added.
Plans (see here) for an additional floor of apartments on top a block in Grosvenor Road have been submitted to the council. The proposal is for 5, two bedroom apartments following the same footprint as the existing building by adding a further floor. The layouts will be identical to the existing and the roof profile will be the same as existing.
No additional parking is to be created but the architects for the scheme report that 6 current spaces allocated to the building are not currently used.
Plans for a new apartment block on a narrow strip of land also in Grosvenor Road were not granted permission in 2014.
In my role for Hoylake Neighbourhood Planning Forum / Hoylake Vision we have reviewed the scheme and offered a Consultee response to the Council.
You can see our public comments in the news section of the Hoylake Vision website
Hoylake Vision states that they will try and protect the appearance and character of Hoylake. Why is it then that they have not objected to the planning application for Grosvenor Court? If the extra floor goes ahead it will have an overbearing impact on the neighbouring properties. The flats are not in character with the surrounding buildings and will certainly overshadow them.
My parents and their neighbours(Cable Road) have objected to the proposal and was hoping to have the support of Hoylake Vision but they were sadly mistaken. They do have the support of Gerry Ellis though and they also had a petition. Sadly if the don’t have the support of Hoylake Vision what hope do they have.
My parents will not be able to enjoy their garden as they will be more overlooked and their dining room will become very dark as you will not be able to see sky if the extra floor goes ahead.
My parents have lived in their house all of their married life (50 years) and my mum was born and bred in Hoylake, it is disappointing to think that they will not be able to enjoy their house and garden in their retirement.
I want Hoylake to be how it was when I was growing up not like it is now with ugly building (Montrose Court) and buildings being knocked down and replaced with modern ones.
If you read all the comments on Hoylake Vision you will see I am not the only one with this opinion.
Michelle Nolan (nee Morris)
Hi Michelle
Any objection to this planning application needs to be supported by reference to national planning policy or local policy set out within the Hoylake Neighbourhood Plan. [HNP]
At this point in time the current iteration of the HNP does not include policy that precludes a development such as the one proposed.
The block having an extra storey added is the one that over looks Charles Road Car Park.
It would be a very different matter if it was the block at the end of Cable Road being raised in height, as this directly overlooks other properties in close proximity.
Considering the strength of feeling regards this application we are looking at whether citing objectives and priorities from the HNP carries any weight in this case and expect to consult further with the Planning Case Officer on the matter.
If you already have the support of Councillor Ellis and a petition in place then you need to ensure that Gerry calls in the application so that it has to be determined at a planning committee meeting rather than simply dealt with under the delegated powers of the Planning Case Officer. Then as a petition has been lodged you will have the right to speak against the development at the planning meeting.
Further to this anyone who has signed the petition should also make their own personal objection themselves. As this then carries more weight against the application as it progresses through the planning process.
Kind regards
Julian Priest
Hi Julian,
I know that the planning application is for the block overlooking the car park but this building still overlooks my parents property. Both blocks are very intrusive as they stand at the moment.
Gerry Ellis has already put the application to delegation and the committee will meet next Thursday as Mrs Sheila Day has approved the application.
If the planning application is approved the height of the existing building will be raised by 2.7m and this will mean my parents will be more overlooked than they are now. Have you been to the site to have a look ? I urge you to take a look and also my parents would be willing to let you visit their home so you can see exactly what impact it will have on them. From the outside it may not seem that intrusive but from inside their home it is obvious. Sitting at my parents dining table and looking out of patio doors, my parents will not see any sky if the building is raised up by 2.7m.
I think this is really unfair as they have lived in this house for 50 years and had to endure the building of the flats originally. Obviously this does not mean anything to the developers.
As regards to the petition, this has already gone in, as have objections from people in the vicinity of the proposed site. Gerry Ellis has explained to us the procedure so we are well informed of the next steps to take.
Please could you elaborate on what you are going to do with regards consulting with the planning case officer.
I have also sent you a email on the Hoylake Vision website but I am still to receive a reply.
Michelle Nolan
HI Michelle
In light of the numerous objections and your petition against this proposal the management group of Hoylake Community Planning Forum [Hoylake Vision] have taken professional advice and are now looking to cite the objectives and priorities within the Hoylake Neighbourhood Plan [HNP] with a view to these further comments being included in the briefing papers for this application, produced by the Planning Case Officer, now that the proposal is going forward to the planning committee.
A key reference point being; THEME 5: Homes in Hoylake (page 13 of the HNP), which states
“The priority is to maintain Hoylake as an attractive residential environment for its existing and projected population. Responsibility for assessing objectively assessed housing need rests with Wirral Council, although as the emerging CSLP will not establish a specific housing requirement for Hoylake, policies in this NDP focus on managing infill and other windfall proposals to ensure there is no significant adverse impact on the local area.”
However the advice we have had suggests that legally it is seen as a matter of planning judgement for the Council’s Planning Case Officer to decide how much weight to attribute to the HNP objectives and priorities we draw their attention to.
Hi Julian,
Not really sure where you are going with this. I can’t make out if you are still for the proposal as you have advised to the planning officer or if Hoylake Vision have changed their mind now. We will show your email to the Architect we have contacted for advice.
We already have the agenda and the report that Mrs Day has put forward and we are looking over it in preparation for the committee meeting.
Hopefully the committee will agree to a site visit so they can see for themselves the situation.
Michelle Nolan
Hi Michelle
Hoylake Vision never said they were ‘for’ this development.
Our original consultation response was neutral
We simply pointed out that from a procedural point of view there were no policies in the HNP that precluded approval of this scheme.
Following professional advice and now knowing we can cite the objectives and priorities within the HNP as well we are going to submit further consultation comments for the PCO to consider and the Planning Committee Members to review
As your Architect will advise you it is best to prepare what you want to say at the Planning Committee Meeting in advance and ensure that it fits within the 3 minute time limit
Your argument should be based upon:
-: ‘Planning Grounds’: for example loss of light or privacy, or highway safety or parking issues due to a proposed development.
-: The proposal’s effect on the appearance of the area, the impact on Listed Buildings [Hoylake Station] and Conservation Areas nearby.
-: National and local policies [HNP] and Government guidance.
Your argument should not, however, include:
-: The developer’s motives or morals.
-: Loss of view..
Yes I agree entirely with Michelle. We also do know the developers have intentions of applying to build a third story on the other block of flats should this go through.
Thank you Julian for your advice. We will certainly mention the Listed Building and conservation area at the meeting.
Michelle Nolan
How did it go at the planning committee meeting?
Are the committee undertaking a site visit as requested?
Hi Julian
The committee have granted a site visit so therefore it was withdrawn from the meeting. I believe they will meet again next month.