Plans to build apartments on a narrow piece of land on Grosvenor Road, Hoylake have been rejected by Wirral Council.
The proposed development, unpopular with many local residents has been be refused planning consent. The planning committee rejected the plans for the following reasons:
1) In the opinion of the Local Planning Authority, the site is not considered suitable for the proposed development and would result in a cramped and overdeveloped appearance. The proposal will result in the loss of an existing amenity space and does not provide sufficient amenity space or outlook for future residents’. The proposed developmentr is thereforecontrary to policy HS4 Criteria for New Housing Development of the adopted Wirral Unitary Development Plan, SPD2 Designing for Self Contained Flat Development and Conversions and the National Planning Policy Framework.
2) The proposed development would result in the loss of protected trees which would be detrimental to the character of the area. In addition, the proposal does not provide scope for an adequate replanting scheme. The proposal is therefore contrary to policy HS4 Criteria for New Housing Development and GR7 Trees and New Development of the adopted Wirral Unitary Development Plan, and the National Planning Policy Framework.
3) The proposal is considered detrimental to highway safety by reason of lack of visibility for drivers emerging from the existing and proposed car parks and an increase in on-street parking, which would potentially be obstructive in Grosvenor Road due to it’s narrow width. The proposed bike shed is too remote from the properties to be of practical use by the residents, and will not encourage sustainable forms of transport. The proposal is contrary to policy TR9 Requirements for Off-Street Parking and TR12 Requirements for Cycle Parking of the adopted Wirral Unitary Development Plan, SPD4 Parking Standards, and the National Planning Policy Framework.
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