Following on from last weeks Friday Photo about the old Hoylake YMCA building, here’s another photo from Syd Bird’s brilliant archive showing the Hoylake YMCA being constructed.
And how’s this for a coincidence. Below is a photo of the Hoylake YMCA basketball team of 1936 (muscles or what !). What’s great about this photo is described by Syd:
A photo of the Hoylake Y.M.C.A. Basketball Team that won the English championship for the season 1935/36 and a year later represented England in a competition in France.
The reason that I have this photo is because my father is on it, front row, second from the left with a bandage on his knee. Most of the team members were all local boys the exception being the chap holding the trophy who was an American (Doctor Johnson).
Incidentally the photo was taken on the bowling green which used to be located immediately behind the Y.M with the entrance being in Hoyle Road
Great stuff!
And here’s another photo of the 1937 team.
Two irreplaceable photos marking one-off moments in time.
Great stuff indeed.
My father is second from the right Frank Anthony Farrall,
in the front for the top photo and second from the right bottom picture.
Hi Mike my name is Roger Underwood we lived in Fulton Avenue Your brother Bruce and were old school friends and I remember him showing me a big silver medal your dad won