Cynthia Lennon (nee Powell), John Lennon’s wife, and her family lived in Trinity Road, Hoylake.
Mike Feeney (website) is writing a book on the influence of the Beatles’ muses and is researching the Hoylake connection. Mike’s seeking people from Waverley Road or Trinity Road in the 1950s who would have known the Powell family (John Lennon’s wife Cynthia’s family).
Can you help? If so, please get in touch with Mike directly via email at mfcart[the at sign]
In 1963 I was working for an electrical contractor who were involved in the refurbishing of the Boots chemist shops in Hoylake & Moreton. We lodged with a lovely couple, Mr r & Mrs e dean 12 Grosvenor rd. I started going out with a lovely girl Barbara Booth from Boots in Hoylake. She lived at 57/58 ? Groveland Rd ( off shaw st.). She spoke to me of Cynthia. If you could locate Barbara she maybe able to help you? Barbara used to live with her father (Fred) who worked on the buses ( crosville?). It might be a lead, but that is all I could help you with. I would like to think Barbara is alive and well, such happy memories. Hope this will be of some help to you.
Hello. I remember Barbara Booth very well and her sister Pamela. They lived in Groveland Avenue, Hoylake.
She caused quite a stir, when her boyfriend had an E type Jag, which nearly filled the whole street. He later swapped that, for a motorbike…
Guess you stayed with Dick and Edna Dean in Grovenor Road
Last I heard was Barbara married Dennis Mountain and moved to West Kirby.
My twin sister and I were in the hoylake Girl Guides with Cynthia Powell and knew her quite well from about 1951 until she went to Liverpool school of art. We went to her house on Trinity Road and were on hikes and a camping trip with her during our time in the Girl Guides. We lost touch after she went to college but I remember seeing her on the train coming home, sometimes with John. We lived at Meols so got off train before Cynthia but we would wave as we got off the train.
We were the Walshaw twins (Margaret & Barbara. If Cynthia were still alive, I am sure she would remember us.
Margaret Growcott
port Alberni, British Columbia, Canada
I’m researching that particular part of Cynthia Powells life at the moment and I’m very curious to know about the mysterious Barry from Hoylake. He was her first serious boyfriend until she met John Lennon and his nicknmae was thr Hoylake Romeo.
He was the son of a window cleaner and possibly was one himself. I live local but Im not having mch luck finding out Barrys surname or road where Barry lived. I know he was born around 1933/4. He lived between Trinity Road and Hoylake prom as Cynthia said he lived very near and she walked her dog past his house, no doubt heading for the beach. Any info is very welcome,
Barry Salmon lived in Ferndale Rd Hoylake at one point…..
Think he grew up in Alderley Rd though He was my cousin
He had a sister Jill and was the only son of Len and Elsie Salmon nee Ball
Nice to see your comments Elaine memories of your family Geoff Couchman
Please see above
Hi , my school teacher iat Quarry Mount School for Girls in New Brighton ,,Miss Davies , lived next door to Cynthia in Trinity Rd .This was in the 60’s .Maybe Miss Davies ‘s family (she was only young) children ,if she had any in the following years or herself may have info .
The Barry you refer to could be Barry Salmon who lived in Alderley Rd, near the cross with Valentia Rd. His father was a window cleaner by the name of Len Salmon. Barry also had sister called Jill. I think he used to help his father on his rounds and then got married later on and left Hoylake. Hope this helps.
Hello Rose,
Thank you very much for the help and info. I had no luck looking up official window cleaners in the old directories.! One chap Mr Robinson lived in Marmion Rd but I got nowhere until you kindly helped out.. Many many thanks and best wishes. Colin
If I remember correctly, he lived at no. 26 Alderley Rd. He had dark wavy/curly hair and a sort of Mediterranean look., so it’s understandable that he had a reputation with the ladies.
I’m Barry Salmons cousin. Barry’s Mum Elsie Ball was my Dads sister who was married to LennSalmon the window cleaner
Unfortunately Barry is no longer alive he died of cancer probably about 25 years ago.
His wife Celia still lives in Greasby he has two sons John and Mark.
My mum.worked as a cleaner for Cynthia’s mum .. I have a barometer from there home in trinity road
Interested in selling the barometer ?
My grandmother Mary Williams and aunties ( Mona and Myfannwy ) lived at 1 Trinity Rd .
My Aunty Mona was the local midwife and knew Cynthia and Sean.
Their name was Williams.
My family spoke fondly of them .
I attended Greasby Grammar School where paul McCartney daughter attended in my class.
At that age ( I was 13-14? In 1968/1969?) and heard other children talking about Paul McCartney and his sister, but I didn’t take much notice really…. Oh dear!!!
Kind Regards
Catharine Marshall ( my mum was Williams)
I have some photos of Trinity Road and my auntie and grandma
I was just thinking the people in the shop would know them as they knew lots of people in Trinity Road and the shop was on the corner. I’m just trying to remember the ladies name…
I have a feeling it may have been Mr and Mrs Simpson and they had. I think it was two children who would be in their 60s now who may be able to help you?
Warm regards
MAYBE SOME OF HER BABIES ( That she delivered) could help you with your quest?