The Echo reports that a number of Max Spielmann stores have been rescued and sold on by the administrators – including the small store in Hoylake. I wasn’t aware that Spielmanns had gone into administration, were you? At least we’re spared an empty shop in Market Street at what is probably the quieter end of the shops.
Our local store can be busy on occasion but then it’s only a tiny shop so it doesn’t need many customers inside to be full. We’ve used it once or twice ourselves; to get passport photos of the children and for prints that we’ve wanted very quickly. Printing photos off at home is too much of a faff for my liking and we find it easier to get prints for grandparents, etc online. (Shameless plug: I publish a little site comparing free photo print offers.) Funny isn’t it …I love looking at my digital photos on my computer and don’t need prints, but my mum and dad always want to see physical photos. My sister even bought my dad a digital photo frame but he doesn’t have it switched on!
I know the camera shop in West Kirby has now gone (it’s an estate agents now) but does anyone know if you can get digital prints in Boots in the Crescent? I know that you can do that in bigger Boots stores, maybe the West Kirby branch is too small for that?
Anyways, judging by the photo, Barb is evidently pleased. Good for her!
Hammy Havoc says
I hear that Morrisons in West Kirby offers digital prints near their indoor cafe. I must say, although it isn’t regular business that I provide Spielmann with, it is extremely handy to get your passport photographs done within a few minutes.