If you have any concerns over the forthcoming Open Golf Championships at Royal Liverpool there’s a final public meeting next week.
Wirral Council officers will be present to discuss arrangements made so far and to answer any comments or questions that you might have.
Tuesday 27th May, 7pm at Melrose Hall.
Do they provide residence parking if you live near the course?? I live in Cable Rd
Do they provide residence parking permits, I live in Cable Rd??
Cable Road is not in the priority zone as I understand..
If you are concerned come to the meeting and find out all about it.
Melrose has hosted 3 meetings over the past year specially so that Residents can voice their concerns and see the Plans.
I am looking forward to the Open in Hoylake but I still feel that the Residents of Hoylake living in the Priority Zone should have been given some compensation…We pay our Council Tax and for about 2 weeks during the Open we will not be able to park our cars along certain roads…I am speaking on behalf of Residents that are retired and some have difficulty with walking distances..
Unfortunately I was unable to attend this meeting yesterday, will communcation be sent out regarding road closures etc in order for me to plan alternatives routes?