This week’s Wirral Globe reports that the disused toilet block (pictured – taken in March, 2011) on North Parade is to be demolished and replaced with a new building that will be the Pebbles Cafe. The original, approved plans were to convert the existing building, complete with a rear deck but works never commenced.
I’ve tried to find the latest planning documents for the new building but haven’t been successful – I think this is the original application. My understanding was that works had to be completed by end of this August otherwise the Council (the building owners) would demolish the block.
Anything to add? Leave a comment below.
great news, my faith in common sense has been restored.
Great news about the cafe. At last visitors will have somewhere to eat and drink by the beach.
Can’t really regret the passing of the lavatories – they had quite an unsavoury history in recent times.
Really glad to hear this. It’s been a long time coming but it’s just what the seafront needs and I wish them every success.
Hmmmmm . . . . . either the Globe have their facts wrong or were misinformed
Searching the Wirral website there is no recent application for total demolition lodged/approved.
The only plans of the café I can find are those of the original approval from 2006 that clearly show parts of the toilet block retained.
Searching the Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council website ‘Planning’ search page you find the following
The original Application; Ref No 2006/5925/D; was approved way back in 14/01/2006.
There was then a second application; Ref No 10/00731; to remove two of the conditions of the previous approval; this second application was approved 13/09/2010
Amongst the revised conditional consent then stated;
Construction must be started before 14th January 2012
No heavy construction work shall take place between 1st September and 31st March
There was then a third application; Ref No 12/00009; submitted 03/01/2012;
To extend the time limit for the implementation of the previous application[s]
This was approved 28/02/2012 [not December] extending the time limit for another three years so that construction must be started before 28th February 2015
You can use the application numbers yourself on the Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council website planning search page to find the documents and have a look for yourself
As I understand it Cabinet approved Gary Jackson as the Lessee of the Site at an annual rent of £2,500 with permission to do the construction work by 31st August 2013 or the Council will demolish the block and that will be the end of it earlier in the year..
The permission did say the Council would allow Alcohol on the premises but only at the allowed Planning Hours.
No application has been made for a Licence as far as my List shows.
Would be good to have a cafe on the prom,it would do well in the summer,& be a good attraction
All Pulled down today 19/4/16- no idea if rebuild plans are afoot, perhaps the council have finally demolished the building, not before time!
If someone wants to apply for Planning Permission to do something on the site they can,
The unsightly dangerous building has finally gone. if you live on the promenade you do not want it.
It is good to criticise everyone from afar.
Wirral Borough Council will not be replacing toilets anywhere so we have to accept it unless a private company do it. No profit!!!
I agree with Richard on the latest Junction comment a family orientated cafe in the old Lifeboat Station would be excellent.