Planning consent is being sought for a new fish and chip on Market Street.
An application has been submitted to Wirral Council for a change of use to a hot food takeaway (fish and chip shop) at 112 Market Street. I understand that’s the right-hand unit of the building that contains the Kingsley Gallery auction house (pictured). A decision by the planning committee will not be made until 24th February at the earliest.
The people behind the proposed business presumably believe their is enough demand in Hoylake for another fish and chip shop. Do you agree? Would it be good to have another new shop open along Market Street? Or would you like to to see the premises used for a different business? Have your say in the comments below.
If it’s a proper chipy, that would be great
I have always disliked this building. It’s one of Hoylake’s hideous new builds.
I don’t see why we can’t have another chippy but I wouldn’t like to be living above it.
THREE CHiP SHoPs in Hoylake! . . . W0W!
AND we need a FOURTH???
Kowloon is great. I don’t need another chippy!
I don’t think we need another chip shop. Why not a tub shop, which sells dried fruits, nuts, cereals, cake ingredients etc. at much reduced prices than in standard shops. We lost a good example (West Kirby Wholefoods) in August 2013, due to retirement of the owners. I think this has left a good opportunity to fill a gap in the market..
Really, is there any need for any more take away food outlets in Hoylake, it makes me wonder if any one actually cooks at home. Can’t see how Hoylake economy could support another chippy, seems to me it will only push someone else out of the retail market.
At last count Hoylake already had 3 chip shops so this would be a fourth (why not) also nothing wrong with auction house building, better than a converted garage that was.
My thoughts,,we have enough fish & chip shops in Hoylake.
James T.Hardman.
That the application says fish and chip shop I imagine means that it will be just that and not a Chinese takeaway that does fish and chips as well, though I may be wrong. I have no problem with getting fish and chips from a Chinese takeaway, but I find it interesting that Hoylake, by the coast, does not have a traditional fish and chip shop.
A traditional fish and chip shop is in my mind, synonymous with the coast and as such I would have thought a potential asset. It would be if you like, a rather different proposition to yet another ‘takeaway’. In my experience, a quality fish and chip shop by the coast is a ‘destination venue’: people will travel to a place for this asset.
These destination venues are what Hoylake should look to encourage and if this is what we are looking at then I would hope the reflexive Hoylake ‘NO’ to any and every proposed development/change/opening does not rear its head here.
Richard`s comment made me think. Parkgate has a traditional chip shop and it is extremely popular – as does West Kirby with The Marigold. I agree, a really British chip shop would be fine. We are well served with Chinese cuisine by our long standing Blue Dolphin. Carol B
kowloon is the best
its now a charity shop!?!?!?!