Thanks to Kevin Radford for sending in two old photos of a sporting theme. Spot the old parish hall in the background – today that’s the site of the houses called Grove Terrace. Kevin says:
This was when you could play football in the Grove swings but not in the park next door. Parish Hall in the background. Circa 1965.
Back row, left to right
?, ? Bevan, Alan Yoxall, Kevin Radford, Steve Harding, Keith Stoddard.
Front Row
Baden Cole, David Smye, Steve Cole (ball) David Yoxall, Barry Banks
And below is an old photo of the signatures from the World record breaking trampoline jump held at the Hoylake YMCA, August 1972.
1st back left im not sure of but then its john bevan and john yoxall not alan thank you barry
Thanks Barry…how you doing these days…???
hi kev im doing ok thanks, hope you are to regards b
Barry it’s Keith jones and of course me
thanks john i would never have got that
john can you remember where keith jones lived then
john can you remember where keith jones lived, was it groveland ave?
Barry Keith lived in Saxon road / billy Calvert and Jeff couchman lived groveland avenue
John do you still support Blackpool ? Remember the cricket matches outside the chippy the drain pipe was the wicket.
barry Keith lived Saxon road his auntie lived groveland avenue / billy Calvert and Jeff couchman also
Lived groveland
John do you by any chance have any photos from when you lived in shaw street over whiteleys please
John replies:
Hello Barry
Sorry late responding didn’t get back from Llangollen until Monday afternoon
Regarding photos the answer would be no mum and dad didn’t own a camera
Hope you ok
Rgds John