Controversial plans to build homes on a Hoylake tennis court have been withdrawn.
St Luke’s Methodist Church had applied for outline planning permission to build a mixed, 17 dwelling development of houses and apartments on the site of St Luke’s tennis club in Charles Road, Hoylake. The tennis courts (pictured) are located opposite the car park behind The Row, Market Street. The club members confirmed that they did not have the funds to purchase the courts.
However, the current status indicates that the planning application has been withdrawn.
As the plans were withdrawn presumably they could be resubmitted at a later date?
What do you think? A missed opportunity for additional housing in Hoylake or good news that recreational space is preserved? Have your say in the comments!
No keep the tennis courts!! Not that I play tennis but I’m sure plenty do
Common sense prevails. It was a crazy idea to try and squeeze so many flats onto that space and even crazier to lose tennis courts for those members who have put so much into the courts and clubhouse.