I took the photo above a week or so ago. As you can see the railing works have been completed around what was the old toilet block. Are we calling this a viewing platform now? I’m presuming a couple of benches will be installed next?
Bit of a slap-dash job of removing the rubbish…
I’ve raised a fixmystreet incident so hopefully someone will come around and finish the clean-up.
Peter Wilson says
Looks like a pretty poor effort. Unattractive concrete! Why not extend the setts to match the slipway? Are any seats planned I wonder. Hoylake deserves better for its promenade than streetlights better suited to a dual carriageway and a pavement unchanged since the 1890s apart from rough patching up after storm damage.
waine says
I think we should have a static ice cream shop somewhere along the prom
Wol says
Be interesting to see how many council manhours went into the planning and construction of a small concrete platform with a few railings. Total cost? Answers on a postcard please!
James says
Period buildings should be retained and not destroyed.
That’s what gives a place it’s character and identity.
This effort is an embarrassment for Hoylake.
I’d rather OUR money had been spent on restoring what was already there.
Sarah says
Totally agree James. Ok it wasn’t Hoylake’s best building but it was still an original period building which was demolished for no apparent reason. Now it’s been replaced by.a lump of concrete.
We never hear anything from the people who make these decisions. They never explain themselves or make themselves known.
So who is making the decisions in Hoylake? Can somebody tell us?
brian smy says
the problem with the people in charge ( the council ) is they dont care what we think about the local character .. most of them dont remember the way hoylake used to be …. i lived in grove road and spent 50% of my childhood at the beach …..its probally cost more to demolish the toilet block than it would to simply keep it ….
the only solution is people power … simply complaining on social media and the internet is pointless … however getting enough people and going directly to the people in question is the way to go .. that said i was part of the gang who tried to save hoylake baths .. and look what happened then !
its just a shame but hey ,some may say thats progress and the way of the world …. !
Sarah says
‘”Going directly to the people in question is the way to go”
Brian, I agree with what you say, but that’s my point really:
Who are the people in question? Who are the people in power making the decisions?
I think the Council is Labour controlled. Did they decide to demolish the toilet block?
The 3 councillors in Hoylake are all Conservative – was it their decision?
Until we know who the people in power in Hoylake are, we don’t know who to complain to!
Can someone make this clear for thick people like me?
Richard says
The toilets, back in the 80’s were a disgrace and quite a scary place. They stank of, well guess what, and served no use apart from my efforts to become a professional footballer by kicking the ball against it from the beach – this never happened (although Branchy made it). I presume that (as a Strand Road incumbent) that these ‘enhancements’ never improved. Knocked down – good, bugger all use to many and little or no use to the ‘local’ community. I remember being at Lifeboat day and my Mum letting a complete stranger use our toilet (so much for the public option). Get a grip and stop whinging about how things are so awful, instead go an do something about it. It’s a beautiful beach that is underutilised by some way, enjoy what has been gifted to you. I could rant for many hours, but hear this, I grew up on the beach and fear you have no idea what you hold so dear.
Sarah says
yay Richard, great response!
So if a building is under-utilised and smells a bit we knock it down yeah?
So we do the same to the Presbyterian Church too right? Oh, and the old lifeboat station? Any more you’d like to see knocked down?
Personally I think we should look after our old buildings. It might be just a toilet this time, but you’re in danger of creating an argument which any developer might use for any old building in Hoylake. Or even worse a local councillor and their NIMBY mates.
As for the whinging – I think you’ll find it was the whingers that got the toilets demolished in the first place.
I think we should be more positive and think of our old buildings as opportunties, not things we should get rid of for no apparent reason.
PS Agree with you about the beach, we love it!